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Serving the Community at Christmas

The best part of Christmas is sharing peace and love with others. The true meaning of Christmas should bring hope to every man, woman, and child. Doing something selfless for others helps us spread that hope.

Neighbor helps Neighbor.

In many places, snow is a certainty during the holiday season. If you live in one of these areas then you know that digging out after a snow is hard work.

Organize a neighborhood “dig out”. Neighbors who are able-bodied and full of the Christmas spirit can offer to shovel their neighbors’ driveways and front steps. Children can travel around the shoveling route providing hot cocoa breaks for the willing workers. Neighbors who have to work around the holidays will appreciate the Christian charity.

One thing my community likes to do around the Christmas holiday is to canvas the entire neighborhood with luminaries. Volunteers take a day and come together to prepare the luminary bags and set them out curbside in front of every home. About a week before Christmas the volunteers light the luminaries at sunset one evening. Everyone in the neighborhood can look out their windows and enjoy the solemnity of the season. The luminaries are a small service, but they make a powerful statement. They remind us of the light that was born into the world over 2,000 years ago.

Shopping break.

Malls and shopping centers become hubs of activity at Christmastime. One shopping center in my city is so busy that they hire policemen to direct traffic. Everyone is so busy buying, that no one thinks about eating. Here’s another opportunity to help out in the community. A church youth group, women’s circle, or another organization can provide much needed concessions, free of charge, for weary shoppers.

Keep your snack items simple. If I were a shopper I’d be looking for something to give me a boost of energy in a hurry. Donuts or Christmas cookies would be easiest to manage and clean up. Apple cider can be bought from the grocery store and warmed up in large coffee urns heated by electric fuel. There’s nothing like a hot drink and a donut on a cold day. Shoppers will thank you for the hospitality. If they ask why you are doing it, let them know that you are sharing a bit of Christ’s love during the holidays.

Helping out in the community can be fun and rewarding. Explore the needs in your area this Christmas and give lend some folks a hand.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! I am rethinking Christmas this year. The story of Christ's birth is a subversive story of an upside-down kingdom. It's a story of promise, hope, and a revolutionary love that is still changing the world to this day. So, what happened? What was once a time to celebrate the birth of a savior has somehow turned into a season of stress, traffic jams, and shopping lists. And when it's all over, many of us are left with presents to return, looming debt that will take months to pay off, and this empty feeling that we somehow missed its purpose.

    Is this what we really want out of Christmas?

    Upside-down Christmas


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