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Christmas Secrets - 7 Tips to Revitalize the Real Spirit of Christmas this Season!

Bernadette Dimitrov

Revitalize yourself as you rediscover the real spirit of Christmas. It can magically transform your life!

1. Celebrate -­ Christmas is time to celebrate YOU! Uplift yourself with memories of the joys you discovered and successes you achieved over the year. Spend moments in gratitude for these wonderful memories. This is how you celebrate you!

2. Wish Creation­ - Make wishes on the eve of Christmas. This is a special time as it is the night when the Star of Bethlehem magically appeared. Look for the first star as night falls before you make your wishes. Then blow a magic energy kiss with each wish for its manifestation in the coming year!

3. Start Afresh -­ Decide today to let go of the past. In every single situation no matter how challenging is an opportunity to make lemonade out of a lemon. Choose to find the gift in the message that the situation or person brings. If you feel stuck look at the quality being presented. This is the learning for you ­ to work on this quality in your own life! Now let the situation go by not giving more focus and energy to it and be grateful for the opportunity to evolve through this learning.

4. Forgiveness -­ This is how we connect deeper with each other. Make it a ritual before the festive meal to spend a moment one by one going around the table asking for forgiveness for something you did or didn’t do during the year. It will connect you all at a heart level! Don’t miss this opportunity to build bridges and set yourself free. Forgiveness truly revives the ‘real’ spirit of Christmas.

5. Discovery ­- Spend time discovering a new element of who you are. A great way to do this is to put your-self in new situations. Go volunteer, join a new club, try a new activity!

6. Support - Who’s your best support at Christmas ­ Santa Claus or you may know him as Saint Nicholas. Think about his qualities ­ kind, generous, loving, forgiving. He is solution orientated and always looking for and finding the best in all he meets. Support yourself by focusing on ways to develop these qualities in you.

7. Gift Giving -­ You are the gift! Learn to give of yourself. This is how we reinforce the presence of love in our lives. Where ever you go you leave your energy, your mark. Leave the spirit of Christmas this holiday with your positive inspiration and uplifting energy.

Re-connect with yourself, family and friends and go create some good old days. Memories that warm the heart and rekindle the ‘loving’ spirit of Christmas!

Visit http://www.HoHoHoChristmas.com & sign up for our FREE Newsletter full of tips, tools & resources for reviving the fun, joy, magic and real meanings of Christmas PLUS receive our bonus f*r*e*e 10 day e-course with audio - Amazing Ways to Enrich Your Christmas Experience from The HoHoHo Expert, Bernadette Dimitrov, author of the world's best Christmas ebooks and audio books. The HoHoHo Factor!’ everything you’ll love to know & share about Christmas & the new fun adventure series ‘Bluey, Santa's New Recruit!’ Your resources for creating fun and cherished memories today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bernadette_Dimitrov


  1. There is no true Christian "Christmas," it being abomination to Christ.

    Read That Devilish Spirit of Christmas

    Sara Schmidt

  2. i do believe in christmas. we all have our own way of celebrating christmas. this 7 tips i guess would help for those people who stop believing in xmas

  3. Dropping by to wish you a Merry Christmas! God bless!


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